The two closest public lots are:

  1. 1000 North Water Street Structure | City of Milwaukee Public Parking, 1059 N Market St, Milwaukee, WI 53202 CLICK for Google Maps
  2. MAC Structure (1141), 777 N Milwaukee St, Milwaukee, WI 53203 CLICK for Google Maps

Additinoal public parking lots in the vicinity of Diercks Hall can be located on Google Maps. Click to view lots in the vicinity of Diercks Hall. Please note, street parking in the neighborhood is limited to 2 hours only.

Dwight and Dian Diercks Computational Science Hall @ MSOE

Proceed on foot from parking to the Dwight and Dian Diercks Computational Science Hall at MSOE (1025 N. Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee, WI).

Diercks Hall Auditorium is located on the first floor of the building. Use either door on N. Milwaukee Street to access the building, then proceed through the atrium to the auditorium.